Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Through creative writing I have learned to open up more and express what I feel inside. I have learned that the more I talk about myself the better I feel because I get things off my chest, that are making me miserable. Some of the things that I hope to improve on is my patience for people, also my lack of self confidence in myself. The more that I talked about my achievements and all that I have done it made me realize just how much confidence I really do have. This assignment has helped me with writing by being able to fluff things and make them the length needed. It also helped me put more feeling into my writing making it easier to complete the assignments given. It helped me discover the exact kind of person I am. Even reading some of the blogs showed me what I like and don’t like about people. The three words that would best describe me are country, outgoing, and mellow. These words can be found/explained in almost every blog that I have posted. I loved creative writing and would persuade others to take it. I have learned more about myself then I ever knew.

Friday, May 3, 2013

a fine line

Best things about me
  1. good driver
  2. decent cooker
  3. always being positive
  4. being honest
  5. good singer
  6. when I truly want something I go for it
  7. good friend
  8. good hunter
  9. great girlfriend
  10. mellow/laid back

Worst things about me
  1. Lack of patience
  2. bad temper
  3. procrastinator
  4. lazy
  5. shy
  6. laid back
  7. degrading myself
  8. trust issues
  9. organizing skills
  10. eating a lot

Valuable lessons

1. Never give up. I have learned that if you give up you might have just missed your goal.
2. Listen to mom and dad. they are older than you and they have learned from the same kind of mistakes so take their advice, and take it seriously.
3. Don't procrastinate. I still do procrastinate but I learned its less stressful to do something before the due date. Doesn't mean I will always follow this but I will try.
4. Always tell someone how you feel. the last day I saw my grandpa I didn't get to say I love you. That was the last day I ever saw him and spoke to him again.
5. Love your neighbors as yourself. This is in the bible and its in there for a reason. If you treat others like you treat yourself than you will have less drama and more friends.
6. Speak your mind. I hate drama, its stupid and immature. if someone is a drama starter tell them to knock it off. If you keep your mouth shut it will keep happening and worsen our time.
7. Thank God for everything. I have prayed more this year than I think I have in my entire life. Not only for good grades but for friends. Now I have both good and friends and grades.
8. Patience is a virtue. I have always lacked with patience but since starting P.C. I have tried to be more patient with things and my life reflects how much easier it has been.
9. Be honest. lying never gets anyone anywhere and it can hurt others as well as yourself.
10. Love like crazy. everything you do should have enough passion behind it that you want to continue to do it and love to as well. also showing love towards others will get you farther in life than hating everyone and everything.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Creating a list and checking it twice

1.      People who have influenced me

My mom

My grandma

My dad

Both my cousins

My great grandpa

My friends

2.      Places that make me happy

The woods


Theme Parks

My room

My grandparents’ house

This spot that is by our pond that no one can see

3.      Places I would like to go

New York










4.      Things in people that I like

Sense of humor

Ability to make me laugh

Steering clear of drama

Not starting drama



5.      Things in people that I dislike

Drama makers


Back stabbers




6.      Things that worry me


Bad hair days

“We need to talk”


Losing my parents


Losing friends

When friends are sick

When my parents won’t answer there phone

7.      Things I would like to know how to do

Knee board

Speak Italian

Drive a motorcycle


Not be a procrastinator


8.      Things that have moved me



When people do something kind

My relationship

My parents

When my great grandpa died

9.      Ideas that intrigue me

People think you can get through life on a fast food salary

People thinking college isn’t important

When guys think it’s the girls fault for being knocked up instead of it being equal

People choosing other things over their kids

The fact that people on welfare don’t have to take a drug test

When people think they can run your life for you

10.  My personal favorites


Sweet tea


My enchiladas

Country music

My boyfriend J

Monday, April 22, 2013

gone but never forgotten

1.       My will. My will to do things is very important if I truly want something done, I get it done no matter what.

2.       My attitude. I don’t let people step on me and I don’t want that to change as I get older.

3.       My friends. My friends are people I will have in my life for the rest of my life and that’s something I want to remember so that I can keep them.

4.       My voice. I love to sing and whether or not I am a good singer I don’t ever want to stop.

5.       No regrets. I want to remember that everything I did was for a reason and it has helped me grow as a person.

6.       My Aaron. I want to remember how much I was in love with him.

7.       My dreams. My dream in life is to have everything I have ever wanted I want to look back and say I did it.

8.       No money worries. I don’t want to have to worry about money just like I don’t worry now.

9.       My lack of patience. I want to remember my lack of patience that way I will learn to have more.

10.   Don’t take life to seriously. Always do what you want to don’t let life hold you back from achieving things you want to.

11.   My organization skills. This way my life will remain organized and together.

12.   Gas prices. I hear people reminiscing about how gas used to be so cheap, I hope it never gets to that point but if so I want to remember the gas prices. ($3.50 give or take)

13.   Outdoors. I don’t want to forget the kind of background I came and if I have children I want them to be raised the same way.

14.   My ability to make people like me. I love to make new friends and I want to continue to be able to do that.

15.   My ability to make people happy when their down.

16.   My ability to scare the hell out of people even though I am not a mean person.

17.   My ability to act like a teddy bear but have the attitude that no one can mess with me.

18.   My protectiveness towards family and friends.

19.   My love for animals.

20.   How much fun I had in high school and all the memories I made.

Never say good-bye

There are so many times that I have had to say goodbye… Some worse than others but for the most part the hurt and tears were about the same. I have never been good with goodbyes because I don’t like to cry. Normally when I do cry it’s something that really bothers me or it has hurt me bad enough to show deep emotion. The worst goodbye I ever had to say was to my great grandpa that died but when I said my goodbye he was already gone so I don’t think that will really count. My other worse goodbye was to my first dog when I was little he got hit and when I saw him he wasn’t gone yet and I said goodbye but I don’t think that particularly works either. So for one that does work would be 2 years ago saying goodbye to my grandparents because they moved half way across the U.S. They are currently living in Wyoming and it has been a year since I have seen them.

                The hardest part about saying goodbye to them was my brother and I were always with them. They were grandparents you could depend on. If I needed to be picked up from school to go to a doctor appointment or I needed someone to watch my brother while I went out they would. I also loved going over there just to hang out with them. It was hard but not as hard as I thought to say goodbye because of the reasoning behind them moving. My grandpas company that he worked for started to go downhill and so did the retirement money. They weren’t going to make enough in a week to even just barely survive. For what little time my grandpa had left in the working field he had to get something better. A family friend works for the highway department in Wyoming. When a job opened up he offered it to my grandpa and my grandpa almost didn’t have a choice it had what he needed and not many places were hiring around here in his field of experties. He went for a job interview and we (being the family) didn’t think much about it. We didn’t really think they would end up moving so far away. When he got back it wasn’t two weeks later they were packing their things to leave. My grandma wasn’t leaving the same day as my grandpa because she had some other stuff she had to take care of but my grandpa had to get to his new job. The day he left we had a big party and when it was over the tears started to pour. I have never ever seen my grandpa cry and when I did that made it that much worse. Plus everyone else was crying. My grandpa and I were pretty close and so when we hugged and said goodbye it was really hard to let go. My grandma was even worse. She was what held my mom and I together she was our middle the compromise between every argument. She is awesome.

                They are only gone for 5 years hopefully just enough for my grandpa to get the money to retire. It still feels like eons though.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

In other words

Psalms 23:4

                Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For thow art with me; Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me.”

Eleanor Roosevelt

                “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”
Dr. Seuss

                “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to change, it’s not.”

Matthew 19:26

                “With God all things are possible.”

Marilyn Monroe

                “Sometimes good things fall apart, so better things can fall together.”

Marilyn Monroe

                “I’m selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can’t handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don’t deserve me at my best.”

Stitch (Lilo and Stitch the movie)

                “Ohana means family. Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten.”


                “Dance as though no one is watching you, love as tough you have never been hurt before, sing as though no one can hear, live as though heaven is on earth.

Mae West

                “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”
The Notebook

                “It may seem as the hardest thing to do, but you have to forget the guy who forgot about you.”

The Notebook

                “Life without love, is no live at all.”

Rocky Balboa

                “You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life.”